Thursday, August 16, 2012

UCS Installtion Part-1

Preparing Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS) Part-1

Before we begin installation of Cisco Unified Communication software on UCS we need to prepare UCS with basic settings like RAID,CIMC IP address etc. In this section i will guide  you through the details step by step procedure to configure  Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS) C200M2 series server to install ESXi operating system.

Step 1: Connect Monitor and Keyboard by using KVM Dongle.

Step 2: Press F8 to enter into CIMCConfig.

Step 3:  Configure CIMC Configuration Utility to manage UCS remotely.

Step 4: Press F10 to save.

Step 5: Connect Ethernet cable at the back of UCS server.

Step 6: Access CIMC using web browser by using IP Address configured in step 3.
Step 7: Login with default Username: admin with Password: password.
Step 8: Under Server Summery launch KVM console and power On the Server.

Step 9: When you see the cisco log on the screen of the server you need to press ESC Tab.
Step 10: When you see LSI mega RAID on the screen press CLT+H or CLT + Y to enter in to the RAID ARRAY configuration.

Step 11: Click on Start button to begin RAID configuration.
Step 12: From the left side window click on “Configuration Wizard”.

Step 13: Select New Configuration and click next.
Step 14: Click yes to erase configuration. 
Step 15: Click on Automatic configuration and select “Redundancy when possible” and click next.
Step 16: Accept and Save the Configuration.
Step 17: Select “Set Boot Drive (Current-None) “and then click GO.
Step 18: Then go back to Home screen by clicking on HOME tab at bottom left corner.

Step 19: Verify that RAID is configured.
Step 20: Now select EXIT to leave the RAID configuration page.

Step 21: Go to Micros menu and select CLT+ALT+DEL to reboot the server.
Step 22: At this point UCS server is ready to Install ESXI operating System. You can use either CD/DVD or ISO image on your PC/Laptop, in my case I am using ISO image on my laptop.

Step 23: In order to boot the system from ISO Image you need to enable “Virtual Media “Tab by going to Remote Presence under Server.

Step 24: Now you can go to KVM Console and select tools and click “launch Virtual Media”.

Step 25: Then Click on ADD IMAGE and point to the ISO image file located on your Laptop and mapped it by clicking on the tic box next to Mapped.

Step 26: You need to keep the box open until you finish the installation.

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